Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Zesty vegan gluten free super supper!!!

This meal is so easy to make. Get out some fancy plates and put some clean fresh raw spinach leaves on the plates. Grill some South West Sunshine Burgers and sliced patty pan squash.
Cook some brown rice pasta and drain. To make the sauce for the pasta: get out a small sauce pan and simmer 1 cup of salsa with some veggie butter and a half a cup of water for 10 minutes.
Dissolve a tablespoon of corn starch or arrowroot flour in a cup of water and add this plus 1/3 cup of tahini to the salsa in the pot and simmer for a few minutes. Nicely plate everything on top of the fresh spinach. Garnish with some fresh chopped tomatoes and peppers and serve. Super supper is served!!!

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